75% Increase In Ransomware Attacks Targeting Linux Systems By 2022

75% Increase In Ransomware Attacks Targeting Linux Systems By 2022

Security researchers

Security researchers discovered that ransoms are up over 75% in the first 6 months of 2022 compared to the first half last year.

During the first half of 2022, when trends and non-traditional attacks on Linux began making headlines, ransomware families increased.

“We noticed how malicious actors were using ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) methods, which means they’re using them to speed up their deployment and likelihood of success to make bigger payouts,” the researchers noted.

They also observed that these attackers were increasingly targeting Linux-based systems with attacks.

Six months have been reported from this year and there have been 67 active RaaS and extortion groups that were reported as well.

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Cloud defense: The ransomware operators used novel and tried-and-tested methods

Researchers discovered a new ransomware called Racrpassword this year.

“Infecting these servers could cause significant security issues in critical infrastructures,” the team warned.

The team is concerned that these servers are commonly used globally by many companies.

In 2022, with the growth of AI in technology and society, we saw many companies call for employees to return to the office on a full-time basis. This phenomenon was called “the Great Return.”

How to stay protected online?

Why not embracing permanent hybrid work or remote setups

“Cybersecurity teams have a difficult time keeping different work structures secure due to the increased diffusion of labor, particularly digital attack surfaces.

Criminals are taking advantage of these vulnerabilities because they are easy to exploit,” said Trend Micro.

Ransomware RaaS is known to be a new way for affiliates to acquire tools and resources for their businesses.

“In our security predictions for this year, we foresaw that ransomware families would go after bigger targets using more advanced methods of extortion.

This prediction is an accurate portrayal of the notable ransomware families that we reported on in the first half of 2022.”


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